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课程设计论文——《最土购物网网站的设计与实现》 绍兴职业技术学院- 1 -摘要本系统以 PHP 为主要制作工具,实现了用户注册、登录、验证身份及用户数据的采集、物品的预览查询、搜索/查看物品信息,站内最新物品信息发布,可进入在线下单从而实现了网络销售。网上购物,这个逐渐流行于二十世纪的购物方式已经为越来越多的人所接受。不论是腰缠万贯的大富翁、时尚的白领丽人还是普通的工薪阶层,其中大部分人可能都有过网上购物的经历。这其中有的也许仅仅想拥有这种体验的感觉,有的可能将此作为一种“知识人士”的标志,有的则可能已将网上购物作为自己日常生活的重要组成部分而取代了传统上街购物的方式随着互联网的普及,网络购物的优点更加突出,日益成为一种重要的购物形式。网上购物突破了传统商务的障碍,无论对消费者、企业还是市场都有着巨大的吸引力和影响力,在新经济时期无疑是达到“多赢”效果的理想模式。关键词:网上购物 方便 便宜AbstractPHP authoring tools, user registration, login, verification of identity and user data collection, a preview of items inquiries, search / view the items of ination, station ination of the latest articles published, may enter orders online in order to achieve network sales.Online shopping, shopping has been gradually popular in the 20th century more and more people. Whether a wealthy tycoon, fashion office ladies or ordinary wage earners, most of whom may have had the experience of online shopping. Some of them might just want to have the feeling of this experience, some may take this as a sign of a “knowledge person“, while others may have online shopping as an important part of their daily lives, replacing the traditional Street shopping wayWith the popularity of the Internet, the advantages of online shopping is more prominent, and is increasingly becoming an important of shopping. Breakthrough in the traditional business barriers to online shopping, both for consumers, businesses, or the market has enormous appeal and influence in the new economy period is undoubtedly the ideal model is to achieve “win-win“ effect.Keywords: online shopping is convenient and cheap课程设计论文——《最土购物网网站的设计与实现》 绍兴职业技术学院- 2 -Abstract 1第 1 章 绪论 31.1 问题的提出 31.2 研究目的 31.3 研究意义 41.4 开发背景 4第 2 章 网站开发工具 52.1 开发工具 EPP 介绍 .52.2 Dreamweaver 的介绍 52.3 MySQ

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