





With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the women's bag market has gradually become a huge industry. The pursuit of fashion, quality, and personalization by female consumers has led to an increasing demand for high-quality and innovative women's bags. As a mid to high end women's bag brand, Nanhe aims to capture this market demand and provide a one-stop shopping experience for female consumers. Therefore, I will design and develop a "Nanhe" women's bag website.

This article aims to explore the design and implementation of the Nanhe Women's Bag website. The website is designed to provide a platform that integrates shopping and product display, providing a high-quality, user-friendly, and personalized shopping website for potential consumers of the Nanhe brand. The article first briefly describes the background and significance of the project, and then analyzes the feasibility and functionality of the system. During the implementation process, emphasis was placed on user friendliness and interactivity, and data analysis was utilized to optimize website performance. Finally, the effectiveness and usability of the "Nanhe" women's bag website design were verified through system test case analysis.

Keywords: Women's bag; Nanhe; website

目 录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和目的

1.2 研究意义

1.3 论文结构与章节安排

第2章 系统分析

2.1 可行性分析

2.1.1 技术可行性

2.1.2 经济可行性

2.1.3 市场需求可行性

2.2 系统功能分析

2.2.1 数据新增流程

2.2.2 数据修改流程

2.2.3 数据删除流程

2.3 系统功能分析


2.4 系统用例分析

第3章 系统设计





3.1 表access_token (登陆访问时长)

3.2 表address (收货地址:)

3.3 表all_products (所有商品)

3.4 表article (文章:用于内容管理系统的文章)

3.5 表article_type (文章分类)

3.6 表auth (用户权限管理)

3.7 表cancel_order (取消订单)

3.8 表cart (购物车)

3.9 表collect (收藏)

3.10 表comment (评论)

3.11 表forum (论坛)

3.12 表forum_type (论坛分类)

3.13 表goods (商品信息)

3.14 表goods_type (商品类型)

3.15 表hits (用户点击)

3.16 表logistics_delivery (物流配送)

3.17 表message (留言板)

3.18 表notice (公告)

3.19 表order (订单)

3.20 表praise (点赞)

3.21 表regular_users (普通用户)

3.22 表sensitive_vocabulary (敏感词汇)

3.23 表slides (轮播图)

3.24 表upload (文件上传)

3.25 表user (用户账户:用于保存用户登录信息)

3.26 表user_group (用户组:用于用户前端身份和鉴权)

第4章 系统实现

4.1 普通用户功能模块

4.1.1 首页界面 26

4.1.2用户注册界面 26

4.1.3 用户登录界面 27

4.1.4公告信息界面 30

4.1.5联系我们界面 30

4.1.6 商品展示界面 30

4.1.7商城管理界面 31

4.1.8 个人中心界面 31

4.2 管理员功能模块

4.2.1 系统用户界面 32

42.2取消订单管理界面 33

4.2.3 系统管理界面 34

4.2.4留言管理界面 34

4.2.5公告信息管理界面 34

4.2.6 商城管理界面 35

第5章 系统测试

5.1 测试目的

5.2 系统测试用例

5.3 系统测试结果

第6章 总结

参考文献 39

致谢 40



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