大连甘井子区社区工作者招聘_购物网站哪个便宜_沈阳男科正规医院_好网站建设公司哪个好呀 Firstly it explained the definition of the electronic commerce,analyzing the background of website development,the recent situation and problems existing in research; secondly illustrating the related technology with developing the website by following the development and construction of electronic commerce website,at the same time,we analyze the website from several aspects,such as the needs,the whole design and the main functional Parts design. The website was built by using B/S structure and assisted by ASP technique and ACCESS database technology. It has functions like user registration,searching for goods,online shopping and background management etc. At the same time,it pays a lot of attention to website safety,To registered specially carries on the analysis with to realize safely, aiming at building safe and solid system of electronic commerce website.








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