怎么注册公司抖音号_怎么建立公众号平台_南昌seo排名优化_企业建站公司排行 Design and implementation of intelligent elderly care system platform


With the advent of the Internet trend, all walks of life are considering using the Internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own Internet system and maintain and manage it. In practical application, according to the working rules and development steps of the application software, the springboot framework is used to build an intelligent elderly care system. This design mainly realizes the intelligent elderly care service system integrating the advantages of humanization, high efficiency and convenience, and completes the functional modules such as elderly health center management, member user management, employee management, elderly management, health file management, chronic disease management, intervention follow-up, elderly claim and so on. The system communicates with the server through the browser to realize the interaction and change of data. You can operate the system and realize data communication management by moving your fingers through a computer. The safety, stability and reliability of data are fully considered in the design process of the whole system, and the operation process is simple. Through scientific management and convenient service, the system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage.

The intelligent elderly care service system platform adopts Java technology and MySQL database to store data, which is developed based on springboot framework. The system adopts modular design method and develops functional modules according to the needs of users, which facilitates the expansion and maintenance of the program for later update. The whole development process first analyzes the requirements of the system and obtains the main functional modules of the system. Then the overall design and detailed design of the system are carried out. Finally, the function test of the system is carried out, and the test results are analyzed and summarized. The shortcomings of the system and the areas that need to be improved are obtained, which not only provides convenience for the future system maintenance, but also provides reference and help for the future development of similar systems.

Key words:Pension services; Springboot ; Relational database; Data is stored






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